How we were born…
Michelle, Beth and I often talked about our goal to start up a social skills class to be able to reach more children at once but life was always too busy to find the time to put the plan into action until… covid hit and we were at home with lots of time! For the first couple of months we prioritized our children’s mental health and as the summer rolled around we were itching to get back to work.
While in the Beaches area one day I (Tina) decided to check out a space at Kingston Road United Church. It was quiet and big and had a bowling alley! We were sold. We were then able begin our dream, classes for neuro-divergent children, especially those in need of a social outlet away from their screens.
Abiding by the covid rules we started out slow and small, then as things opened up we were able to grow! Now we run four social skills classes a week, summer/PA day and March Break camps and also offer 1:1 therapy or consultation from our very own space!
Just like that, voila! Kingston Kids was born. We are proud to call Kingston Kids ours and be able to share it with some amazing kids and parents.